World Healing Project has 5 major initiatives:
We promote the benefits of yoga practice through our resources, classes, workshops, retreats and talks. After many years of study, we have designed a sequence of well being exercises that are simple, accessible to all and highly effective. Spending a few minutes practicing these every day can yield wonderful results to bring healing to body, mind and soul.
Through meditation we gain a greater awareness of our true potential and are able to tap into our inner resources of peace, success, love and harmony. We have produced a series of meditation CDs for adults and children, and run courses on meditation and relaxation techniques.
Sound is a powerful tool that can be used to heal, relax, uplift and connect people. Through our music, workshops, concerts and evnts we promote some of the finest healing musicians and sound therapists.
We specialise in designing and building sacred spaces and peace circles which can be created anywhere. These enhance a sense of well being and promote a deeper connection to our environment, whether this is our home, school or work place. We have built peace circles at some incrdible events in the UK such as the The Yoga Show and Out of the Ordinary Festival.
The food we consume profoundly affects our well being and also has a major impact upon the planet. Through our events, high vibrational food workshops and our community land projects we are showing the benefits of organic, sustainable, nutritious and delicious food.
Giles Bryant is the founder of World Healing Project. In 1994 he left behind a career in law to develop his practice and study of yoga, psychology, philosophy, environmental conservation, healing and music.
He joins this knowledge with an inspirational presentation style to deliver techniques that address peoples universal needs – how to be happy and healthy.
Giles has taught over 7000 yoga and wellbeing sessions in a wide variety of settings including schools, hospitals, universities, yoga centres, nightclubs and the corporate and private sector.
His yoga and healing background is based upon over 25 years of dedicated training and practise including study at ashrams in India, USA and Europe. Giles is a qualified teacher with Yoga Alliance International. He has also trained in several forms of complementary healing which he incorporates into his practice.
Following the inspiration of the planetary healing work of two of his teachers, Paramahansa Yogananda and Colin Bloy, Giles founded the World Healing Project to give individuals tools that can help to heal themselves and the world.
Giles has given many talks, workshops and led ceremonies and concerts at international events such as The Yoga Show, Mind Body Spirit Festival, Big Green Gathering, Fountain International Conference and Festival of Life. His work has featured on television, radio and in magazine and newspaper articles.
In addition to yoga and wellbeing he gives talks on sacred sites, earth healing, sound healing, the perpetual choirs and creating sacred space
Giles also offers services of Design, Photography, Videos, Music & PR to holistic businesses.
Giles continues to learn more every day, and to try to live up to the saying: Feel Love, Give Love, Be Love.